Data security is the protection of data from unauthorized access, which could result in identity theft or fraudulent charges to credit cards or privacy violations. This includes encryption of sensitive data, using access controls, and implementing multi-factor authentication in order to ensure that only authorized staff have access to sensitive information like PINs or passwords.

On the other aspect privacy protection is about individuals having control over their personal information that is collected to be used, shared and transferred. Users can request the deletion or modification of their information, or change the manner in which it’s used. It also requires compliance to laws like GDPR or CCPA.

Both are essential to the operations of an organization, despite the distinction made between security and privacy. Customers’ trust is at risk when businesses breach sensitive data and leak confidential information to unauthorized parties. A solid data privacy policy and framework can limit the number of breaches, and allow organizations to avoid costly penalties, fines, and lawsuits.

The first step to ensure the privacy and security of your data is to determine and categorize all the sensitive information an organization holds, including personally identifiable information (PII) and non-PII. This can be accomplished by conducting formal risk assessments and performing regular security audits. Additionally, using an instrument to scan all repositories and systems for PII is a great way to get an accurate picture of the information available and how it’s being access by employees. Data security and privacy can be simplified through a policy framework that considers the various aspects of how an organization collects, stores or stores, uses, and shares data.